Welding Technology Program
No matter how complicated and sophisticated technology becomes, one thing remains constant in the construction, fabrication, and plant maintenance business—metal must be joined to metal, and only skilled, qualified welding technicians can do this vital job.
Our Program
Our Welding Technology Certificate Program provides students an opportunity to develop skills using various welding and cutting tools, techniques, and materials in preparation for entry into the welding trades. Welding certification by an independent agency is available for those who qualify.
Info & Statistics
Grade Level Requirement: 10,11,12 (juniors have preference)
Prerequisites: application
College Credits Earned: 24*
Career Opportunities: assembler and fabricator, boilermaker, machine setter, metal worker, sheet metal worker, tool and die maker
Average Salary: $35,400–$55,240 annually or $17.02–$27.25 hourly**
*Number of college credits may change with program improvements
**Gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2017 Occupational Outlook Handbook)