Our School
Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT) is a Career Education District (CTED). It is one of 14 in the state of Arizona. Our programs are not simple. In fact, they’re quite college credit intensive and require regular classroom attendance and participation, but what you get out of it is worth the effort!
We aim to lower the dropout rate...
CTE can be an effective means of ensuring that students complete high school. Research shows that 81% of all students who drop out of high school would have stayed if they had only found high school to be relevant and interesting.
Thirty percent who drop out would have stayed had they found the relevance they were seeking in high school.
and close the workforce gap.
When that 30% who dropped out are added to the 32% of students who are planning on entering an associate degree program or advanced training, we come closer to closing the skills gap in Arizona.

Who Can Attend?
We provide career and technical education to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors in our member districts. Our member districts include:
Our services are also available to students who live within CVIT communities and are homeschooled or attend charter or online schools.
What Is The Cost?
There is no cost to students or their parents/guardians to enroll in CVIT Central Campus Programs! CVIT pays all tuition and certification fees. Upon successful program completion, students will have earned college credit, industry certification, and technical skills for entry level employment.

Our Goals
To upgrade and enhance existing CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses and programs at participating districts
To expand the options and rigor of CTE courses available to students
To provide innovative training for students to enter the Cobre Valley and Copper Basin workforce
To provide a community resource to enhance career skills and improve employability options
To develop and strengthen training opportunities with Eastern Arizona College - Gila Pueblo Campus, Central Arizona College, and community-based operations
To train students for industry certificates to ensure successful entry into the labor market